Orkney Tourist Guides Association
Graham Shearer
Language: English
Qualified to guide in: Orkney
Driver guide: Yes
Available: All year
Email: info@grahamsorkneytours.com
Phone: 01856 871721
Website: www.grahamsorkneytours.com

Hello! My name is Graham Shearer, and I am a qualified Green Badge guide and former high school Principal Teacher of History.
Since stopping teaching full-time, I have started my own business, Graham’s Orkney tours, that offers driver-guided tours in a comfortable 8-seater vehicle. Drawing on my local knowledge, experience and expertise, I have created a selection of tours that provide a range of authentic experiences exploring the islands’ heritage, wildlife, culture, and landscapes.
As an Orcadian, with family roots stretching back to the 1700s, I am deeply passionate about our rich heritage and distinct culture, and I would be honoured and delighted should you choose me to be your guide for exploring these special islands.
About us
My spare time is spent with my family and staying active: I enjoy trail running, playing football, dry-stane dyke building and helping farmers during the harvest season. I am also a volunteer coach at Orkney Athletics Club where I train young athletes. I am particularly passionate about playing in the Kirkwall Ba, a traditional and unique game played in the streets of Kirkwall during the festive season.
Interested? To find out more about my tours and what there is to do in Orkney, visit my website: www.grahamsorkneytours.com